CrossFit WOD, February 27, 2021

210227Warm-upCrossFit Warm-up3 rounds not for time of: 30 sec sampson stretch (each leg) 10 air squats 10 sit-ups 10 glute bridges 10 push-ups 10 pull-ups/ring rowsMetcon Rx/ScaledShoulder Press (2-2-2-2-2)Use the heaviest weight you can for each set. Rest as needed...

CrossFit WOD, February 26, 2021

210226Warm-upWarm-up3 rounds, not for time of: 20 jumping jacks 8 air squats (squat therapy style} 8 stiff legged deadlifts, empty barbell 8 glute bridges (no weight or empty barbell) 6 good mornings, empty barbell 4 broad jumps 30-45 secs of foam rolling your back...

CrossFit WOD, February 22, 2021

210222Warm-upWarm-up3 rounds, not for time of: 10 steps of walking lunges 5 good mornings, empty barbell 5 shoulder pass throughs, pvc pipe 2 Turkish get-ups, R arm – you choose load 2 Turkish get-ups, L arm – you choose load 5-7 power clean + front squat...

CrossFit WOD, February 23, 2021

210223Warm-upWarm-up4 rounds, not for time of: 10 m high knees 10 m butt kicks 6 steps, walking lunges 6 lateral lunges (3 per side) 30 jumping jacks 60 secs of rest — then — Dot drill 2: Perform for 1 round with the R foot and 1 round with the L foot....

CrossFit WOD, February 25, 2021

210225Warm-upWarm-up3 rounds, not for time of: 1 min of jumping jacks 10 shoulder pass throughs, pvc pipe 5 inchworm push-ups (or regular/knee push-ups) 10 sit-ups 10-15 Russian kettlebell swings (light load) *Ensure you are fully warmed-up before beginning the...

CrossFit WOD, February 15, 2021

210215Warm-upWarm-up2 rounds, not for time of: 10 steps of walking lunges 5 good mornings, empty barbell 5 shoulder pass throughs, pvc pipe 2 Turkish get-ups, R arm – you choose load 2 Turkish get-ups, L arm – you choose load 7 power clean + push press,...

CrossFit WOD, February 18, 2021

210218Warm-upWarm-up3 rounds, not for time of: 15 Russian kettlebell swings (you choose load) 10 deadlifts, empty barbell 10 hang power cleans, empty barbell 10 front squats, empty barbell *Ensure you are fully warmed-up before beginning the workout.Metcon RxMetcon...