by Sean Osborne | Nov 1, 2020 | WOD
201102Warm-upWarm-up3 rounds not for time of: 200m run or 1 minute of jump rope 10 steps of walking lunges 10 good mornings, pvc 5 shoulder pass throughs, pvc pipe 7 power clean + push press, empty barbell 5 pull-ups or ring rows 5 knees-to-elbows or sit-upsMetcon...
by Sean Osborne | Oct 25, 2020 | WOD
201026Warm-upWarm-up400m run, followed by… 2 rounds not for time of: 50′ of high knees 10 lateral lunges (5 per side) 50′ of butt kicks 10 squats, squat therapy style 10 good mornings 10 glute bridges 5 broad jumpsMetcon Rx/ScaledBack Squat...
by Sean Osborne | Oct 25, 2020 | WOD
201027Warm-upWarm-up2 rounds not for time of: 200m run 10 squats, squat therapy style 10 glute bridges 1x Burgener warm-up, empty barThe Burgener warm-up3-5 reps of dip, drive 3-5 reps of dip, drive, shrug 3-5 reps of muscle snatch 3-5 reps of overhead squat 3-5 reps...
by Sean Osborne | Oct 25, 2020 | WOD
201028Warm-upWarm-up3 rounds not for time: 25 Jumping Jacks 7-10 Hollow Rocks 10 PVC Pass Throughs 10 Push Ups 10-20 sec Hand Stand Hold against wallMetcon Rx/No EquipmentMetcon (Time)50 Sit Ups 50 ft Hand Stand Walk 40 Sit Ups 40 ft Hand Stand Walk 30 Sit Ups 30 ft...
by Sean Osborne | Oct 25, 2020 | WOD
201029Warm-upWarm-upMetcon RxMetcon Rx/Scaled
by Sean Osborne | Oct 25, 2020 | WOD
201030Warm-upWarm-upMetcon Rx
by Sean Osborne | Oct 25, 2020 | WOD
201031Warm-upWarm-upMetcon Rx
by Sean Osborne | Oct 18, 2020 | WOD
201019Warm-upWarm-up100′ bear crawl followed by… 4 rounds not for time of: 10 m high knees 10 m butt kicks 6 steps, walking lunges 6 lateral lunges (3 per side) 6 burpees (start slow, finish fast) 60 secs of restMetcon Rx/Scaled/No EquipmentMetcon (AMRAP...
by Sean Osborne | Oct 18, 2020 | WOD
201020Warm-upWarm-up3 rounds not for time of: 30 secs of jumping jacks 7-10 shoulder pass throughs, pvc pipe 10-15 band pull aparts 5 inchworm push-ups 1 Turkish get-ups, R-arm 1 Turkish get-ups, R-arm *Ensure you are fully warmed-up before beginning the...
by Sean Osborne | Oct 18, 2020 | WOD
201021Warm-upWarm-up100′ bear crawl followed by… 2 rounds not for time of: 25′ high knees 25′ butt kicks 6 jumping air squats 6 burpees (start slow, finish fast) 30 secs of rest 1x Burgener with empty barbell 25′ high knees 25′ butt...
by Sean Osborne | Oct 18, 2020 | WOD
201022Warm-upWarm-up2 rounds not for time of: 50 double unders 200 m run 1x Burgener warm-up, empty barThe Burgener warm-up3-5 reps of dip, drive 3-5 reps of dip, drive, shrug 3-5 reps of muscle snatch 3-5 reps of overhead squat 3-5 reps of hang squat snatch 3-5 reps...