CrossFit WOD, October 19, 2020

201019Warm-upWarm-up100′ bear crawl followed by… 4 rounds not for time of: 10 m high knees 10 m butt kicks 6 steps, walking lunges 6 lateral lunges (3 per side) 6 burpees (start slow, finish fast) 60 secs of restMetcon Rx/Scaled/No EquipmentMetcon (AMRAP...

CrossFit WOD, October 17, 2020

201017Warm-upWarm-upMetcon RxSquat Clean (1-1-1-1-1-1-1)Use the heaviest weight you can for each set. Rest as needed between sets.Metcon ScaledPower Clean (1-1-1-1-1-1-1)No Equipment Workout

CrossFit WOD, October 12, 2020

201012Warm-upWarm-up3 rounds not for time of: 4 burpees 8 air squats, squat therapy style 8 stiff-legged deadlifts, empty barbell 6 good mornings 6 glute bridges 4 broad jumpsMetcon RxMetcon (Time)21-15-9-6-3 reps, of: Deadlift, 185/135 lbs Box Jump, 24/20 inSuper...

CrossFit WOD, October 13, 2020

201013Warm-upWarm-up3 rounds not for time of: 15 m high skip 15 m high knees 15 m butt kicks 10 steps, walking lunges 10 glute bridges (no loading, no barbell) 1 min of restMetcon Rx/ScaledMetcon (Calories)5 rounds of: max rep Row Calories, 30 secs Rest 1:30 —...

CrossFit WOD, October 14, 2020

201014Warm-upWarm-up2 rounds not for time of: 50 double unders 8 good mornings 10-15 band pull-aparts 5 inchworm push-ups 5-7 ring rows 1x Burgener warm-up with empty barbellThe Burgener warm-up3-5 reps of dip, drive 3-5 reps of dip, drive, shrug 3-5 reps of muscle...

CrossFit WOD, October 15, 2020

201015Warm-upWarm-up4 rounds not for time of: 200m run 30 secs of single unders 15 secs of hollow rocks or sit-ups 7 good mornings, empty barbell Metcon RxMetcon (Time)3 rounds for time of: Run, 800 m 60 Double Unders 30 Sit-ups Plank Hold, 1 minOther Equipment...

CrossFit WOD, October 16, 2020

201016Warm-upWarm-up2 rounds not for time of: 50 jumping jacks 10 squats (squat therapy style) 10 pass throughs, pvc pipe 10 toes-to-bars, knees-to-elbows, GHD, or AbMat sit-ups 5 overhead squats, empty barbell (3-5 secs descending, 3-5 secs up) *Ensure you are fully...

CrossFit WOD, October 10, 2020

201010Warm-upWarm-up400m run followed by…. 3 rounds, not for time of: 8 air squats 8 stiff legged deadlifts, empty barbell 8 glute bridges (no weight or empty barbell) 6 good mornings, empty barbell 6 broad jumpsMetcon Rx/ScaledBack Squat (1-1-1-1-1-1-1)Use the...

CrossFit WOD, October 9, 2020

201009Warm-upWarm-up3 rounds not for time of: 6 steps of a walking lunge 6 shoulder pass throughs (pvc pipe) 9-12 thrusters, empty barbell (45/35) 6 good mornings 9-12 sit-ups or hollow rocksMetcon RxMetcon (Time)3 rounds for time of: 100 Single Unders 25 Wall Balls,...

CrossFit WOD, October 8, 2020

201008Warm-upWarm-up4 rounds not for time of: 30 secs of jumping jacks 7 shoulder pass throughs (pvc pipe) 7 air squats 7 bent over rows, empty barbell 5 hang power cleans, empty barbell 7 sit-ups or hollow rocks 1 Turkish get-up, R-arm 1 Turkish get-up, L-armMetcon...