by Sean Osborne | Oct 30, 2021 | WOD
Monday, November 1st 2021Warm-upA. General 60 sec Row/Bike/Ski 30 sec Wall ball 30 sec Rack position stretch B. Mobility Lateral banded hip mobilization + knee drive 2 sets of 10-15 knee drive/leg C. Specific 4/4 Single leg glute bridge 4 x 1&1/4 Front squats 4...
by Sean Osborne | Oct 29, 2021 | WOD
Sunday, October 31st 2021Warm-upA. General 6mins Row @top of every 2 mins: 5 Banded rows + 10 Good Mornings B. Mobility Single leg deficit calf raise 30 sec/side C. Specific AMRAP 3mins 100m Straight legged row 15 sec/leg of single leg plate hops 50m Row @RPE...
by Sean Osborne | Oct 28, 2021 | WOD
Saturday, October 30th 2021Warm-upA. General 3 rounds 30 sec Row or Bike 30 sec: Rd 1: Inch worms Rd 2: Air squats Rd 3: push-up to downward dog B. Mobility Btn tricep stretch with plate 30 sec on / 10sec off x 2 C. Specific 3 sets @ascending 3 Power cleans + 2...
by Sean Osborne | Oct 27, 2021 | WOD
Friday, October 29th 2021Warm-upA. General 2 sets 30sec Row/Bike/Ski 7/7 RDL + Reach 10 Wall balls B. Mobility Banded Couch Stretch 30 sec per side C. Specific 2 sets 4/4 Single leg glute bridge 4 x 1&1/4 Front squats 4 Box jumpsStrengthFront Squat (5 x 5...
by Sean Osborne | Oct 26, 2021 | WOD
Thursday, October 28th 2021Warm-upA. General 2min Row @easy B. Mobility Prone PVC shoulder dislocates 10 reps C1. Specific 5mins of skin the cat progression Set rings up at the floor like in the video and have athletes use it at each end range for stability. The goal...
by Sean Osborne | Oct 25, 2021 | WOD
Wednesday, October 27th 2021Warm-upA. General 2 rounds 60sec Row 30sec World’s greatest stretch (15sec/side) 30sec Rotating Scorpions B. Specific -5 snatch lift offs -5 Snatch high pulls -5 OHS -5 tall Snatches -5 tempo snatchesWeightliftingSnatch (7 x 1...
by Sean Osborne | Oct 24, 2021 | WOD
Tuesday, October 26th 2021Warm-upA. General 3min Row @easy B. Mobility Prone PVC shoulder dislocates 10 reps C. Specific 3 sets 3-5 Beat swings 3-5 Transition mu Transition Mu Beginner: Intermediate: Advanced: MetconMetcon (Calories)5 rounds 3min AMRAP 6 Ring muscle...
by Sean Osborne | Oct 23, 2021 | WOD
Monday, October 25th 2021Warm-upA. General 2 sets 30sec Row/Bike/Ski 5 RDL Jump @empty bar 10 Rotating T spine squats B. Specific 3 Hang clean pull 3 Tall power cleans 5 Front rack elbow rotations 3 Tempo power cleans 3 Pause Front squats* *Pause for 2 seconds in the...
by Sean Osborne | Oct 22, 2021 | WOD
Sunday, October 24th 2021Warm-upA. General 3min Bike,Row, or Ski @easy 100′ Walking lunge B. Mobility Elevated Banded ankle rocks 2 sets of 10 -15reps/side, hold every stretch for 2-3 seconds C. Specific 3 sets 3 PVC shoulder dislocates 6 Box jumps @ascending...
by Sean Osborne | Oct 21, 2021 | WOD
Saturday, October 23rd 2021Warm-upA. General Amrap 5 10/8 cal Row/Bike/Ski or 200m Run @Easy 25’/25′ Single arm OH Carry 20 Seconds/side PNF lat stretch on floor B. Specific 3 sets @ascending 20 Double unders 5 Air squats 2 JerksMetconMetcon (Time)For time...
by Sean Osborne | Oct 20, 2021 | WOD
Friday, October 22nd 2021Warm-upA. General 30 sec Row 30sec World’s greatest stretch (15sec/side) 30sec Rotating full squat T spine rotations B. Specific C1. Shoulder activation 2 sets 5 Hollow banded lat pull downs 5 scap pulls 5 beat swings B2. B mu skill...