170606Warm-upWarm-upcoach ledWeightliftingMetconsnatch drills @55-65%: a: full snatch from the floor b: segment snatch (pause at knee)MetconMetcon (Time)75 Russian swings (53/35) 50 jumping air squats 25 KB cleans R 25 KB cleans L 50 sit-ups 75 goblet squats12 minute...


170607Warm-upWarm-upcoach ledTechniqueWarm-upC&J drillsMetconMetcon (Weight)EMOM 10 @65-75% C&J 1-5: squat clean, 2 split jerk 6-10: power clean, 2 power jerkMetconBrenton (Time)5 Rounds For Time: 100′ Bear Crawl 100′ Standing Broad Jump Do 3...


170608Warm-upWarm-upcoach ledStrengthDeadlift (5-5-5)70% acrossFloor Press (5-5-5)70% acrossMetconMetcon (Time)21-15-9 hang snatch (95/65) pistols5 minute capMetcon (Time)15-9-3 hspu front rack lunge (95/65)5 min cap2 Minute Max Wall Balls (24/20) (AMRAP –...


170609Warm-upWarm-upcoach ledMetconMetcon (Weight)EMOM 15 a: 25 Russian swings (unbroken) b: 5 bar muscle ups c: 20 sit-upsMetconMetcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)AMRAP 25 400m run 15 thrusters (95/65) 10 burpees 24 double undersMobility and...


170601Warm-upWarm-upcoach ledStrengthHeaving Snatch Balance (EMOM 10)odd: 5 heaving sn bal (35-45%) even: 3 position power snatchMetconMetcon (Time)in teams of 2: 3RFT 30 single arm OHS (35/25) 30 wall balls (20/14)each athlete responsible for 90 reps. 10 minute...


170602Warm-upWarm-upcoach ledStrengthDeadlift (5-5-5)65% acrossFloor Press (5-5-5)65% acrossMetconMetconTBAMobility and Recovery


Memorial DayMetconMurph (Time)For Time: 1-Mile Run 100 Pull-ups 200 Push-ups 300 Air Squats 1-Mile Run If you have a 20# vest or body armor, wear it. In honor of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, NY, who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th,...


170530Warm-upWarm-upcoach ledStrengthBack Squat (5-5-5)65% acrossPush Press (5-5-5)65% acrossMetconClean and Jerk (EMOM 10)2 @75%MetconMetcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)AMRAP 5 10 db snatch L (45/30) 10 box jumps (24/20) 10 db snatch R 10 box jumpsMobility and...


170531Warm-upWarm-upcoach ledTechniqueWarm-upsnatch drillMetconMetcon (Time)21-15-9 overhead squat (95/65) t2b7 minute capRestMetconMetcon (Time)21-15-9 double unders American swings (53/35)5 minute capMobility and Recovery


170522Warm-upWarm-upcoach ledStrengthBack Squat (1-1-1-1-1)10 minutes to build to a heavy single. Start at 60% and build.MetconDT (Time)5 Rounds for time: 12 Deadlifts, 155# / 105# 9 Hang Power Cleans, 155# / 105# 6 Push Jerks, 155# / 105# In honor of USAF SSgt...


170523Warm-upWarm-upcoach ledStrengthBack Squat (1-1-1-1-1)10 minutes to build to a heavy single. Start at 60% and build.MetconMetcon3 minutes at each station: *row 500m PR +30% *3 bear complex (50% C&J), 15 double unders *5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 air squats...