CrossFit WOD, January 21, 2020

200121Warm-upCoach LedMetconBack Squat (5-5-5-5-5)75% acrossMetconMetcon (Time)4 rounds 25 Russian swings (53/35) 15 box jumps (24/20) 15 push-ups 15 t2bChallengeMetconaccumulate 3 minutes in plank 10 back extensions (NOT HIP...

CrossFit WOD, January 13, 2020

200113Warm-upCoach LedMetconFront Squat (3-3-3-3-3)climbingKnee Jumps (10-10-10)MetconMetcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)AMRAP 12 5 t2b 10 slam balls (assigned) 15 sit-ups 20 pvc thrustersMobility and Recovery

CrossFit WOD, January 15, 2020

200115Warm-upCoach LedMetconShoulder Press (3-3-3-3-3)climbingMetconMetcon (Time)7 rounds 7 deadlift (135/95) 20 wall balls (20/15) 10 box jumps (24/20)Mobility and Recovery

CrossFit WOD, January 16, 2020

200116Warm-upCoach LedMetconHeaving Snatch Balance (2-2-2-2-2)climbHang Snatch (1-1-1-1-1-1)climbingMetconMetcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)AMRAP 10 6 burpees 8 stone over shoulder 10 pull-ups 12 hollow rocks Mobility and...

CrossFit WOD, January 17, 2020

200117Warm-upCoach LedMetconBench Press (5-5-5-5-5)70% acrossPendlay Row (5-5-5-5-5-5)65%MetconMetcon (Time)21-15-9 Russian swings (70/53) ???Mobility and Recovery

CrossFit WOD, January 10, 2020

200110Warm-upCoach LedMetconBack Squat (3-3-3-3)climbingBox Jumps (5×8)focus on explosive takeoff and soft landing.MetconMetcon (Time)21 deadlifts (55%) 21 V-ups 40 double unders 15 deadlifts 15 V-ups 50 double unders 9 deadlifts 9 V-ups 60 double undersMobility...

CrossFit WOD, January 6, 2020

200106Warm-upCoach LedMetconDeadlift (3-3-3-3-3)75% acrossBack Rack Lunge (10-10-10-10)MetconMetcon (Time)2 rounds 16 pull-ups 32 sit-ups 64 double undersMobility and Recovery

CrossFit WOD, January 7, 2020

200107Warm-upCoach LedMetconRing Support (Max reps)5xME holdFarmer’s Carry (5×100′)heavyMetconMetcon (Time)21-15-9 burpees wall balls (20/14) ***rest 4 minutes*** 21-15-9 Russian swing (70/53) box jumps (24/14) Mobility and...