CrossFit WOD, August 27, 2019

190827Warm-upCoach LedMetconMetcon (AMRAP – Reps)AMRAP 20 **buy in: one mile** 3 front squats (95/65) 3 burpee box jumps 3 t2b 3 hspu *Increase the reps by 3 each round.Mobility and Recovery

CrossFit WOD, August 28, 2019

190828Warm-upCoach LedGymnasticsMetconbar muscle up workMetconStrict Pull-Ups (3xME -2)2 reps in reserveDips (3xME -2)MetconMetcon (Time)2 x 400m runRest exactly 1 minute between runs. Record the time from the faster of the two runs.Mobility and Recovery

CrossFit WOD, August 19, 2019

190819Warm-upCoach LedMetconThe Chief (AMRAP – Rounds)Max rounds in 3 minutes of: 3 Power Cleans, 135#/95# 6 Push-ups 9 Squats Rest 1-minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cyclesMobility and Recovery

CrossFit WOD, August 20, 2019

190820Warm-upCoach LedGymnasticsMetconhollow body work hollow body rocks candlestick rollMetconMetcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)AMRAP 10 5 db push press R (50/35) 5 db push press L 5 t2b 5 box jumps (30/24)Mobility and...