170511Warm-upWarm-upcoach ledStrengthBack Squat (5×1)10 minutes to build to a heavy single. Start at 60% and build.StrengthClean (5×3)12 minutes to build to a heavy 3 rep TNG squat cleanMetconMetcon (4 Rounds for reps)2 minute max: t2b double unders wall...


170512Warm-upWarm-upcoach ledStrengthBack Squat (5×1)10 minutes to build to a heavy single. Start at 60% and build.MetconBaseline (Time)500m row 40 air squats 30 sit-ups 20 push-ups 10 pull-upsMetconMetcon (Time)3 x 400m runwork/rest 1:1Mobility and...


170503Warm-upWarm-upcoach ledStrengthBack Squat (5×1)10 minutes to build to a heavy single. Start at 60% and build.MetconMetcon (5 Rounds for reps)5 rounds: 1 minute at each station * wall balls (20/14) * box jumps (24/20) * sit-ups * American swings (53/35)rest...


170504Warm-upWarm-upcoach ledStrengthBack Squat (5×1)10 minutes to build to a heavy single. Start at 60% and build.MetconMetcon (Weight)E2MOM 16 (8 sets) 3 hang pulls 2 hang power snatchBuild to a heavy set for the complex. Start at 55% of snatch.MetconMetcon...


170505Warm-upWarm-upcoach ledStrengthBack Squat (5×1)10 minutes to build to a heavy single. Start at 60% and build.MetconBear Complex (EMOM 10)Power Clean Front Squat Push Press Back Squat Second Push PressEach movement must be discrete, focus on quality. 65% of...


170501Warm-upWarm-upcoach ledStrengthBack Squat (5×1)10 minutes to build to a heavy single. Start at 60% and build.MetconMetcon (Time)10 clean and jerk (95/63) 30 double unders 10 clean and jerk (115/83) 30 double unders 10 clean and jerk (135/93) 30 double...


170502Warm-upWarm-upcoach ledStrengthBack Squat (5×1)10 minutes to build to a heavy single. Start at 60% and build.MetconMetcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)AMRAP 20 10 burpees 10 front rack lunges (25% of FS) 10 pull-ups 10 hspu 400m runRestCashout2 Minute Max...


170224Warm-upWarm-upcoach ledStrengthClean and Jerk (E3MOM 18 (6 sets))3@70, 3@70, 3@80, 3@80, 2@90, 2@90%MetconMetcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)AMRAP 12 15 back squats (95/65) 10 hspu 5 c2bMobility and RecoveryWarm-upcoach led


170225Warm-upWarm-upcoach ledStrengthMetconEMOM 12 odd: 10 alternating FR lunges even: 5 t2b, 5 hr push-ups 25% of back squatFront Rack Lunge (6×10)MetconMetconEMOM 20 A: 10 thrusters (95/65) B: 25 sit-ups C: 15 deadlifts D: 30 second plank (forearm)Mobility and...


170226Warm-upWarm-upcoach ledStrengthMetconEMOM 12 odd: 6 heaving snatch balance even: 6 sn hang pull (from 2) use 40% of snatchHeaving Snatch Balance (6×6)MetconMetcon (Time)100 wall balls (20/14) 50 t2b 200 double unders 50 pull-ups 100 Russian swings...


170227Warm-upWarm-upcoach ledStrengthMetconE2MOM 10 10 shoulder press (45%) 20 box jumps (24/20)Shoulder Press (5×10)MetconMetcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)AMRAP 6 5 strict pull-ups 10 hr push-ups 15 jumping air squatsRestMetconMetcon (AMRAP – Rounds...